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Sustainable development

Sustainable development


Greenhouse gas management

Wuhan Yangtze Optical Technologies Co., Ltd. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, take the following actions:

(1) Use energy-saving lighting;

(2) Upgrading of materials and processes to replace toxic and harmful raw materials and reduce the production of hazardous wastes;

(3) Waste gas generated in the production process should be treated before being discharged to reduce environmental pollution.

(4) To crush and sell plastic waste, reuse waste to reduce the use of raw plastic particle materials;

(5) Implementing the concept of low-carbon

● The air conditioner is adjusted to the appropriate temperature (≥ 26 degrees).

● Optimize the routes of official cars and shuttle buses, green travel, reduce the consumption of gasoline and diesel, and reduce exhaust emissions.

● Optimize the computer Settings, do not need to change to sleep mode in a short time; The shutdown is not used for a long time.

● Encourage employees to use stairs and minimize the use of elevators.

● Advocate electronic office, reduce paper printing; Use double-sided printing for documents that must be printed.

● Promote green office practices, such as using video conferencing.


Water resources management

In order to do a good job in water resources management, Wuhan Yangtze Optical Technologies Co., Ltd. takes the following actions:

(1) Enhance the awareness of water-saving. Change the wrong idea of "inexhaustible" water resources, firmly establish the value of "saving water glorious, wanton waste shameful".

(2) Strengthen water-saving responsibility. Leaders of all departments should shoulder the responsibility of water-saving work consciously and strive to be models and promoters of water conservation. Start from oneself, start from driving colleagues around, actively take the lead to comply with the regulations of water saving, and strive to form a good fashion that everyone cares about water saving and always pays attention to water saving.

(3) Do a good job in saving water. Strengthen the daily maintenance and management of water facilities and equipment, and put an end to the phenomenon of "running and dripping" and "flowing water". Vigorously promote and use water-saving appliances, eliminate high-consumption appliances, and strengthen the recycling of water resources, to achieve a water multi-purpose, quality use, reduce water consumption, eliminate waste, and strive to build water-saving units.

(4) Develop water-saving habits. Leaders of all departments should conscientiously develop the good habit of planning water use, saving water and repeating water use. Saving water is not difficult, everyone can do it. Tighten the faucet, take away the bottled water that can't  be finished at the meeting and keep it to drink, so as to waste less; Use the last cup of water from the cleaning glass or leftover water from the day before to water the plants and save a little more; Save the water together is a river, a reservoir.

(5) Strengthen water-saving publicity. Regular water-saving education and publicity activities are carried out by putting up water-saving posters and slogans. Form a good situation of common concern, joint supervision, joint maintenance and joint water saving among the majority of workers, so as to drive and influence the whole society, improve the whole society's awareness of water saving and water resource protection, and jointly build a beautiful home.


Waste management

In order to do a good job in waste management, Wuhan Yangtze Optical Technologies Co., Ltd. takes the following actions:

(1) Upgrading of materials and processes to replace toxic and harmful raw materials and reduce the production of hazardous wastes.

(2) Rational procurement, full utilization, avoid expired waste, reduce the amount of waste production.

(3) Choose reusable raw and auxiliary materials, such as packaging, pallets, etc.

(4) The plastic waste shall be crushed and sold, and the waste shall be reused to reduce the use of raw plastic particle materials.



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